Easy to Use Do It Yourself Website Builder, Blog and Shopping Cart Online Store Software for Emerging Businesses - Email Us at Contact@Super-E-Shops.com
Coming in the New Year of 2012 will be some great new Features for SuperEShops.com - One of those is the ability to immediately view and track your current visit count for each page and product from the Administration Page. This allows you a real time view of which pages and/or products are attracting the most visitors without waiting 24 Hours the way that some Stat Tracking tools require.
If you like you can also easily sign up with tools like Google Analytics or Sitemeter, then quick and easily insert their widgets into your site with a simple "Copy and Paste" in minutes to gain even more detailed and granular statistics reporting.
Fast and Easy, SuperEShops.com provides what emerging Entrepreneurs need to advance their business.
Fast - Easy - Flexible - Website Builder, Content Management CMS, Blogs
and E-Commerce Shopping Cart Online Store Software & Blog Sites
Solutions for Emerging Businesses and Musicians Contact Us